Been a Minute, But I’m Back!!!

To my naturalistas, beauty queens of all shapes, sizes and skin types, and every kinky/curly/coily diva out there….


I know it’s been a very, VERY long time since I’ve last posted, or even paid attention to this blog, & I don’t want anyone to think that I have neglected it or you. Life has just been a journey, and it hasn’t always been easy, but I’m back!!

The idea to get back and continue this blog came to me actually last summer when I met two women at a restaurant in Downtown Dallas. They were in town for a conference for their company that sells all-natural beauty products for hair, skin and all-around health. They asked me a few questions about my daily regimens (some of which I will address in later posts), and it got me to thinking, “Hmm, this would be good for my blog”, but of course, I blew it off. Then, a few weeks ago, I was at a pool party and a woman asked me about my hair. Needless to say, our conversation turned into a mini seminar about natural hair as many of the women there began listening and adding in their products and personal experiences. That’s when it hit me completely like, “Yeah, I should really get this ball back rolling again”, so here I am!

I’m back with all the information & tips that I discover for myself, and also things I’ve learned from others that have worked for me, to share with all of you. From skin care to hair care to hacks and such, I hope to bring you ideas & things to help you become the naturally beautiful you.

Get ready, because it’s about to be A LOT of info coming your way!

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